Daylight Reports

Tailored advice and compliance reports in support of development projects.

Do you need to submit a Daylight Report with your planning application?

Daylight is a material planning consideration and local planners often ask for a daylight report to be submitted as part of your planning application. Our team of specialists provide expert advice and support your project with an impact assessment and the preparation of a daylight report to submit with your planning application.

The methodology we use for planning reports is set out in the BRE publication “Site Layout Planning for Daylight and Sunlight”.

Call us on 03303 410210 to ask for a fee proposal or complete the form below.

What is included in a BRE Daylight Report

Our daylight reports for planning applications would typically include information on the following parameters:

  • Vertical Sky component
  • Daylight Distribution and No Sky line where room layouts of neighbouring properties are available
  • Average Daylight Factor
  • Annual Probable Sunlight Hours
  • Overshadowing to Gardens and Open Spaces

Call us on 03303 410210 to ask for a fee proposal or complete the form below.

Here is how we will help you

Before we give you a fee proposal for the preparation of your daylight report, we would like to discuss the project with you first. We would like some basic background information such as the location of project, the local planning authority in the area and the nature of the project to prepare for the call. After the conversation we will prepare a fee proposal and when you accept we will start preparing the daylight report.

The easiest way to arrange a call back is to book an appointment in our diary. Alternatively you can gives us a call on 03303 410210 or complete the form below and leave your contact details.

Call us on 03303 410210 to ask for a fee proposal or complete the form below.

Case Studies

Large Scale Master Planning Daylight Report

Site Redevelopment Daylight Report

Householder Extension Daylight Report

Contact us