Right To Light
Tailored advice and reports in support of development projects.
Are you concerned about Right to Light infringements of your project?
The Right To Light is a legal concept in the UK where infringements are a matter for the civil courts to consider. Our Right To Light consultants can advise you on the litigation risks around your project.
For details about Right to Light and planning applications please read the information about Daylight and Sunlight impacts.
Call us on 03303 410210 to ask for a fee proposal or complete the form below.
The methodology to determine if a right to light is being impaired has largely developed by precedent and is continually evolving. The RICS guidance note “Right of Light” (2016) 2nd Edition as well as BRE guidenance provide the parameters and methodology that should be used to describe the impact of new development on existing properties in terms of the legal right to light. For this the availability of light is expressed as the Sky Factor. We provide support with determining the amount of light lost to support your negotations.
Call us on 03303 410210 to ask for a fee proposal or complete the form below.
Here is how we will help you
Before we give you a fee proposal we would like to discuss the project with you first. We would like some basic background information such as the location of project, the local planning authority in the area and the nature of the project to prepare for the call. After the conversation we will prepare a fee proposal and when you accept we will start preparing the report.
The easiest way to arrange a call back is to book an appointment in our diary. Alternatively you can gives us a call on 03303 410210 or complete the form below and leave your contact details.
Call us on 03303 410210 to ask for a fee proposal or complete the form below.