Energy statements

Tailored advice and compliance reports in support of development projects.

For many local planning authorities, energy efficiency of new buildings is one of the key components of their climate change mitigation strategy. Development projects are expected to consider and reduce the energy perfromance of buildings. Current good practice requires the implementation of the energy hierarchy in designing for good energy performance:

1. Be lean (using less energy)
2. Be clean (supplying energy efficiently)
3. Be green: (using renewable energy)

Call us on 0207 112 7590 to ask for a fee proposal or complete the form below.

Sometimes local plans require the carbon emissions from housing and non-commercial developmentto be zero carbon. Reality has shown that often these targets are aspirational, and the boroughs, districts and cities often still use slightly lower standards.

Achieving the current energy efficiency requirements makes a fabric first approach inevitable, and against tradition an architectural lead is needed. Minimising the energy demand of the building by optimising orientation, layout and construction materials is essential to ensure the cost effective implementation of plant associated with heating and cooling of buildings.

Call us on 0207 112 7590 to ask for a fee proposal or complete the form below.

We excel in providing developers with a thorough understanding of all aspects of a development project. We do this through building project knowledge in an intelligent and prudent manner; to make the right decision at the right time requires the right amount of knowledge at the right time.

We help with defining which studies are required for the project and more importantly we can advice on the timing and the scope of these studies. In addition to this we are able to provide a comprehensive range of socia’, environmental and transport reports for the project. These include energy strategies, health impact assessment, flood risk assessments, daylight and sunlight studies, ecological surveys and transport statements.

Call us on 0207 112 7590 to ask for a fee proposal or complete the form below.

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